Bobs Shotguns Works

10th Grade Projects

Cerati´s Canvas


About this Project:
In 10th grade we have made some awesome works which some of them have been exposed in the hallways, museums inside of our school. One of my best work I have done this year is the canvas in which we chose a popular or significant person of our chose. My chose was Gustavo Cerati because he is in coma so I wanted to give him credit for all of his great work in music. This work was about drawing his face in the canvas with pencil using lines in order to guide our selves. Then when we finished with the drawing, we starting adding numbers for the shades in the face. After we had everything done, we started painting with acrylics. Finally, the purpose of this project was to create a piece of art in which we may apply what we have learned about shading, painting, and drawing. 

Now that I look to final work, the canvas, I think that I did a good job but I could have done it better. What I mean is that I have some strengthened and weaknesses during the elaboration of the canvas. First of all I think I did a great job drawing Ceratis face in the canvas; I did it exactly as it was in the picture that was hopefully my strength. But then I think I started damaging my work when I started painting. One error I made was that I didn’t do the labeling of the shading so in the beginning I painted the face white and then when I started giving it color I damaged it completely. But after I painted about four times it got better. So in general I think I did a good job and I would like to paint in a canvas again.  

Humans Eyes


About this Project:
This drawing I made is very significative to me because it something I wanted to create since a while. Well, first of all this is a sketch made by me and these two eyes represent men and woman. The right eye is the woman eye and I made it darker, more noticeable because mostly women use paintings and also may represent some of their strengths. The left eye is the men’s eye and I made it less colorful because in a king of way I wanted to represent how simple we may be. So the main objective of this drawing was to join both eyes to show how men and women complement each other. How each of us has different qualities, attitudes, so this is the purpose of this drawing. For this drawing I only used a pencil HB and then I just started making shades by using my fingers. After I had already the form of the eye, I started making it harder and better.
In this drawing I had many strengths but I had some weaknesses also, because I didn’t have the enough experience of geometry of the eye. So, I think my general drawings of the eyes were pretty good, also the shading, but I only fail in really small details. These details are like the eye didn’t touch with the bottom part so it gives an impression of being fallen. So I personally think this drawing was one of the bests I did this year and I would like to keep drawing this kind of art with pencil. I personally think this is the best work I have done in pencil during this year. I enjoyed a lot my final product because after I saw all of my effort I think both eyes were perfect. 

Horse and Vessel 


About this Project:
My last best work I have done during this year is this horse and a vessel. The purpose of this drawing was for me to show the farm and the outside view away from the city. So I drew the horse showing liberty, the wild life they have and then the vessel shows the inside living were we need refuge in order to live. This is why the little window has a lot of meaning because it shows that the left part of the drawing is inside and the horse is free. This was my purpose. For this drawing I only used an h pencil so that the drawing wouldn’t be so aggressive. This only thing I used and my fingers for the shading.                                 

I personally think this drawing was very well done because it has very little details inside each drawing. This is one of the drawings which I put a lot of effort because in the beginning it looked strange but later I started giving it a little more of sense. This is why I recognize my strengths, because I think I draw pretty well with pencil, specially giving shades to the drawing. I also like to draw with pen but the pencil gives more importance to the drawing from my point of view. On the other hand my weaknesses were that I can’t give too much shape to animals like horses. It’s easy for me to make it perfect so I need to draw it a couple of times. I will keep doing this drawings. 

Roberto G. 10A